Thursday, June 5, 2008

Turning Frustration Into Faith

As many of you may know, I am in the process of moving, or at least trying to. =) In the past two weeks I thought I had someone lined up to take over my place. She changed her mind at the last minute but said her cousin wanted to take the place. They were supposed to come see the place last night, but never showed. Needless to say I was a litte frustrated & worried. Hoping they just didn't show up and nothing happened to them on the way up here.

SO, this morning I got a call from a really good friend of mine (at 7:00!), when I told her what happened, she reminded me that everything happens for a reason. Since they didn't show up, it was most likey for a good reason. They could have been crazy people or God had someone else in mind to take my place, I should not be frustrated & rely on God. Something she said is SO true: "Whenever we try to control a situation, that is when we Loose control." After we got off the phone I prayed that God's will be done in this situation. I got onto Craigslist and started looking for a new candiate. I e-mailed this guy who lives in AZ and is moving out here for a job. A few minutes later I got an e-mail from him asking me to call him immediatley, he was very interested. We spoke for a while and he wants the place!! God is so awesome! I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch, but it would be so awesome if this happened.

I woke up frustrated but when I left for work I was thanking God for his blessings and favor. The power of positive thinking! lol How many times have I heard that? =) It works!

I know that a lot of the time it's hard for me to rely on God instead of myself & trusting him to work things out for the best. Lately I feel like I am continually asking something of God and not giving enough in return. Has anyone else ever felt that way? Maybe that is a stupid question since God can do anything....

Well see everyone at Coffee Break tonight!


skylerizm's said...

Now do you have a blog? this is the frist time ive had a blog.

JuJuE said...

Yup! Now we both have blogs Sky!!