Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tituba of Salem Village

I just finished reading "Tituba of Salem Village". (Great Book) It depicts the hysteria around the Salem witch trials from an "accused" point of view. It really made me think about how much dishonesty is in our world. A very good friend of mine just came through the trial of her life in which she was accused of doing something that she didn't do (& never would have thought of doing). She was cleared of all charges!!! Thank God for his blessings. On Wednesday I am going to be having my State hearing in which I have to dispute allegations against my character & behavior in a previous job. It amazes me how easily people accuse others of things that didn't happen or distort a situation that did happen into something bad. I am so thankful that I have God on my side. I'm not exactly sure what to expect when I get there, but I know that God has his hand on the situation & whatever the outcome, it is what God allows to happen.

I have been reading (& listening to) some great books lately. "Dark Light", "Honeymoon", & "Beach Road" by James Patterson. "The Spider King", "A Horse Called September", & "Tituba of Salem Village". All in the past month! Can you tell I have been bored? lol

Well, I hope everyone has had a great week & weekend. I had a fun time today at out reach!! (hint hint) For all of you who missed it. Next week is prayer at 9:30 and Outreach at 10:00. Hope to see everyone there!!

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