Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Blessing In Disguise

{Click on the Blog Post Title to see the video}
So I have been thinking lately, about how things took a turn last year. I thought at first, it was for the worst...BUT Who am I kidding, I'm the one that prayed for it.=)
I had been praying for a few years to be able to go to school full time. Well, when I stopped working for the State, I thought I was in for a trip to Hates. In actuality I was in for a rough ride to fulfilling my dream. Now I am proud to announce I am going to be attending school full time this semester. (12 Units, Yipes!) For all of you veterans out there, no making fun, OK? =) This is scary, yet Awesome! This video made me think of how much God has allowed me to experience and learn in the past year.