Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Calm Before The Storm

My Goodness! It has been an insane past week and a half! The last six services we've had at The Rock Church have been amazing, awesome, powerful, prayer filled, joyful, homecoming, non-preaching because the power of God fell, and so much more!
OK UPDATE!!! My two (self-adopted) brothers are Home!!!!! Brian and Brad were away from home (church) for a while, but now they are back. Talking to their Dad last night he said that there has been a significant change in attitudes since they prayed through on Sunday night! More Good News! Andrew's brother and sister-in-law (to-be) prayed through as well! So awesome! Almost the entire church body was in the back corner of the church praying for them. It was amazing! I can't wait to see what happens in the next service!

(Promotional Plug) For those of you who haven't signed up yet, sorry it might be to late. Tomorrow night, Friday night and Saturday morning, College and Career is hosting a Dave Ramsey Financial Seminar. It's only $15! Which includes a meal on Saturday. Anyways, that is going to be awesome. Hope you can make it!

So, now to the boring stuff of my life. =) I joined a gym! Yay! To anyone who Enjoys working out, can I ask....ARE YOU INSANE??? I mean once I'm done it feels good to know I am working towards a goal, but REALLY? It is quite painful. I come home sorer than a pig shaved of it's bacon. I pulled some kinda weird muscle I didn't know I had the last time I worked out and I was sore for like 4 days! Although, I,m seeing a little results, I can't wait until I reach my goal, so then all I have to really do is cardio majority of the time, which isn't so bad.

For all my fellow students out there....Holla! =)~ Hope you have been enjoying your month off from school, all of us that are on the semester system. For Cesar and all those who go to UC Davis, sorry buddy that you already had to start school. I still have a 6 days. MUAHAHAHA! Just kidding. I actually can't wait to get back to school, I'm bored and being lazy just makes me feel, well, lazy. And that is not a good feeling. It just leads to more laziness and procrastination, which I am the queen of by the way. So, yea, not a good thing. =)

Soooo, I am supposed to be, emphasis on "supposed to be", getting a car the second week of school. YAY! It looks like that is pretty for sure, but it's all in God's timing right. I mean I've kinda been carless for almost two years, I think it's about time. (hint hint, God) =)~ By the way for those of you who don't know, God has a sense of humor. He wouldn't have made Andrew if he didn't. lol Just kidding Andy....sorta. =)~ (yes, I AM sticking my tongue out at you) hahaha

Public Shout Out to Misha, David, Cylas and Roma. I miss you guys SOOOOO much, I can't wait to see you in March. I'm gonna look hot by then Mish, better watch out, you might have some competition for skinniest in the family. lol
For all of you who don't know Misha, she's a hot mama. Well she is a mama, too, but yeah.

Well, gotta run to the gym to work on my flabby self. Hope everyone has a great day!!

(I really gotta put more picture's on here, don't I?)

1 comment:

MargieB said...

God is so awesome! Keep on truckin' @ the gym you'll either die or look killer when your you ever get done??