Monday, December 1, 2008

To Best Friends and Loved Ones

I have been feeling a little melancholy lately. When I was younger the Holidays were a time to look forward to. We would all gather at my Grandma's house in Hollister, CA and have a fantastic time of being with family. Now, 9 years after her passing, it seems like it has all fallen apart, but then again it hasn't. My family may not be all in one place geographically, but we are in our hearts. My family is always one phone call away. For those of you who have gone on before me, I miss you so very much and I can't wait to get to Heaven to see your faces and hug you. That will be the most joyous day. This past Thanksgiving Holiday, I had the wonderful opportunity of spending time with my best friend in the whole wide world =) and his family. It was definitely an experience. I was woken up on Thanksgiving morning by a HUGE dog climbing on the bed and stuffed myself silly for the rest of the day. We all played video games and got loud with each other for not playing the game right. =) So, for those of you who don't know who my best friend is ...Presenting Andrew! Here is a crazy video of us being weird one night...actually him being weird, I couldn't bring myself to act a fool on camera, Sorry! =)~ (Although I do look like an idiot) So this Holiday season, I am thankful for my best friend, his family, my family and my friends, that I have in my life. I wouldn't have been able to get this far without all of you! Love ya'll bunches! (or as Margi {my landlord} would say) Lots O' Love

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